

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 262 - 8 and a half months

Cannot believe that I have made it this far.  I am incredibly thankful for my friends and family that have seen me through this journey.  Soon it will be a year and I am thinking about whether I will reach my goal of 100 pounds by my birthday (May 23).  This last stretch will most likely be the most difficult in getting the weight off and I know this, but because I am still slacking on the exercise portion of this journey the weight is coming off much more slowly.  In January I promised myself that I would begin exercising... it didn't happen though!  So, Feb is just a day away and I plan on making exercise a daily routine.  I have lost 66 pounds since I began this journey!! 66 pounds lighter and I feel fabulous! Gotta keep pushing and keep the end goal in mind, I can see it though!

Pictures of some meals....
meatballs, salad and broccoli

Broccoli and chicken Parmesan

Steak, mashed cauliflower and grilled green peppers.

Mashed Cauliflower and chicken and veggie shish-kebobs

Thursday, January 5, 2012

237 Days...

Happy New Years all!  This is my first post of the new year and I cannot believe that I have been going steady for almost 8 months.  I have had 2 weigh ins since my last post, first one I had gained 1.5 pounds and today I went and have lost 4.5 pounds... so slowly but surely the weight is still coming off.  Considering it was the holidays, a loss of 3 pounds isn't too shabby!  I still have to finally buckle down and begin a workout regime, but keep telling myself "tomorrow".  Well, its a new year and need to make new changes which include exercise.  I hope this blog inspires others to begin a healthy journey if they wish it upon themselves, its not easy to start but once you do you will not regret it!  To a happy and healthy 2012 :) One<3

Of course, pictures!

Greek style Shish-kebob

Steak and veggies :)

Me :) December 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 209 - 6 months and 25 days.

Okay, so it has been about a month since my last post.  I have avoided going to the Dr. to get weighed in because I have not been as diligent with my eating as I should be.  Its not that I have started eating carbs or anything of that sort, but of the small things that I am allowed to have, I have been perhaps eating more of them then I should (cheese... lol, I just couldnt help myself).  This being said, I know that I could have potentially lost a lot more weight, but haven't because of my poor choices.  I need to change this, I feel 100% better than I did 6 months ago but I still have quite the journey ahead of me.  My Dr. would like to see me lose another 60 pounds!  hmmmmm... I don't even think my body can get that small, but its definitely worth a shot. 
During my weigh in today, I managed to lose 4.5 pounds, which puts my total loss at 61.5.... pretty amazing!  As Christmas rolls in, it is going to be hard not to give into temptation, but I am back to being determined.  Plus, I have to see Dr. Bailey again in 2 weeks and he expects a food diary from me..... I want to prove to him that I can do this (and myself and all of you supporters)!!   Next year is just around the corner and if I plan on going to Europe in the summer the more weight off the better...  On to day 210 with a new vision and refocused attention!  :)

There are a lot of pictures of my food over the past month, I will post a few...
Pork chops, broccoli and mashed cauliflower

Pork, broccoli mashed cauliflower...

Me recent... :)

Greek chicken, broccoli and mashed cauliflower.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

176 Days - Weigh In #11

So its not that easy anymore!  My last weigh in was on Thursday and to my dismay, I have gained 3 pounds :( This did not come as a shock to me considering I had attended 2 weddings and drank enough to shame a 50 year old man... but it did serve as a reality check.  I cannot eat and or drink whatever I like, it does effect my body whether I like it or not!  In speaking to the doctor at he clinic, he informed my that I had lost 5 pounds of fat but was retaining water like crazy.  This is good news because it is easier to control your water retention then to lose fat weight.  It is hard to explain, but basically I need to cut the salt out completely and drink a tonne of water... hopefully for my next weigh in I will be in a better predicament.  also, I still struggle with the fitness portion!  I cannot seem to motivate myself to move :(  But I know that this is really important so I need to find a way to get it done.  So although this week was not as great as it could have been, I want to make sure that I continue this fight to wellness, I still have quite a few pounds to lose before I reach my goal.. so full speed ahead to my next weigh in, lets make it a good one!

Pictures, enjoy!
 Chicken, beef, grilled green peppers and zucchini, steamed broccoli

Scrambled egg with egg whites, turkey bacon, Dr. Poon Bread with low fat cream cheese.

Asparagus, zucchini latchky (?) and salad taco

Home made Greek chicken salad... it was actually really good!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 167 -

Today was supposed to be my 11th weigh in, but circumstances (work and not losing any weight) have left me with no choice but to move the weigh in to next week.  Although my Dr. has informed me that I may now come every three weeks, I really wanted to stick to the 2 week weigh in as I fell it will keep me motivated the most.  In weight myself at home, it does not appear that I have lost any additional weight or gained any weight.  I have not been drinking as much water, therefore concluding how essential it is to my weight loss.  Good ol' H2O.... I purchased a 1 liter plastic bottle to use therefore ensuring that I drink plenty of water, which was working, until I left it at a friends house and haven't used it therefore drinking much less water!!!  Note to self, purchase another bottle just in case!!  I look forward to my weigh in next week and will post via FB as soon as I find out the results, 

Some pictures if you are interested in checking them out.....
Chicken Wings, broccoli and salad.

Mashed cauliflower with cheese and chicken shish-kebob.

Zucchini, asparagus and zucchini egg fried thingy... soo yummy,! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

5 months - Weigh In # 10

Today is a bittersweet day for me.  My weigh in today was quite successful... I lost 5 pounds.  Pretty amazing considering my diet hasn't been the greatest.  I think what may have helped a lot for this weigh in was my water consumption.  I made sure to drink a lot of water each day, this I believe is what saved me for this weigh in.  So, my total loss is 60 pounds!! I can't believe I am writing that: 60 pounds gone!!  Now the trick is to keep going and not falter.  Even though this has been the longest that I have stuck to something, weight loss related, I know myself and know that I have potential to get off track.  However, with this blog and the family and friends that continually understand my struggles, it will be hard to fall off track. 

Today, we also lost a dear family member.  He was a father, grandfather, husband and uncle and loved by many.  Tio Victor, you will be missed.  May you rest in peace and be free of suffering.  <3

Some Pictures.
Chicken shish-kabob with salad and steamed broccoli.

Chicken wings, steamed veggies and mashed cauliflower.

Lettuce Tacos? lol ground-beef with some cheese on lettuce.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 146 - October 6th

This month has shown little in terms of weight loss for me.... I know that I only have myself to blame for not making the best choices when it comes to eating.  In being forced to write down everything that I ate this past week, I have a pretty good idea where I am in need of adjustment.  Not enough greens and way to much cheese!  For those that know me well, they know that I could live off cheese.  I love it, and when I first started this journey I stayed completely away from it.  Over the past month, I have introduced it liberally back into my diet and although my love for cheese is intense, my goal and my journey outranks it, so cheese will become obsolete in my diet again :( Well, perhaps not obsolete, but definitely there will be less of it!  Almost reaching day 150 feels amazing and with Thanksgiving coming up I am excited to spend time with family and friends who care!

Pictures of my meals...
Lean Pork Burgers with turkey bacon on lettuce

Breaded chicken fingers oven baked, roasted veggies

Mashed cauliflower, BBQ chicken wings BBQ veggies

Steak, mashed cauliflower and steamed broccoli