
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day Nine - Everything is Fine!!

Today the plan is to head to the Dr. Poon clinic to learn about how to read nutrition labels...I am looking forward to this because I find that I am scrutinizing every thing that I put in my mouth these days and having a better foundation will only work to my benefit.  Yesterday I went out to Milestones (a restaurant).  I asked the waiter for the nutritional menu, which he brought to me,  From that, I was able to choose some salmon.  I of course asked for it to be make with no added seasonings... just the fish.  Waiter assured me this would be done.  40 mins later when we get the food, surprise- it had been made with garlic butter :(  The manager who was so helpful, came and ensured me that I would be receiving a new fresh piece just as I had asked for it.  20 mins later, I  got the fish just as I wanted,  When it came time for the bill, the waiter said "there is no bill"!!  So, my friend and I went home full bellied only shelling out $20.00 as a tip!  Aside from that, the fish was actually really good.  I only squeezed lemon on it and pepper.  It came with asparagus, but I wasn't convinced that the asparagus hadn't been made with the same garlic butter, so I only ate a few sprouts of it.  All in all, a good dining out experience!!  So it is possible to eat out, just make sure to see the nutritional info and ensure that they cook it to your specifications.
Here is the Pic of my plate: