
Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 28 - Second Weigh In

So, its Day 28 and I am at the Brampton clinic to do my weigh in and see the Dr.  I am excited as I feel that I have lost some more weight, but not sure how much I had really lost.  Time to take my flip flops off and step on the scale.  The nurse says "good job Kelly, you are down another 8.7 pounds"!  A smile lit up my face and I felt incredible, I did it again!  After taking my blood pressure (which is down too, normal instead of high) I go in to see the doctor.  He tells me that I'm doing great and that I should do more exercise and continue on phase 1 of the program.  He is happy for me and I feel even more of a boost!  Phase 1 works well for me, so what if I can't eat whatever I want, clearly that wasn't working for me before!  This new method of eating is definitely working and I am thoroughly enjoying it.  My next weigh in is on June 24th!  My target is at least 10 more pounds lost.  Of course this will require more effort than before, but I know I can do it.
On to day 29... Full speed ahead!!
Here is a relevant pic....