
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 132 - just an update!

Why hello everyone.  I am proud to announce that I am another pant/dress size smaller.  I went shopping today and for the first time it wasn't a huge disappointing mess...  I used to dread shopping mainly because I could never enjoy the experience; what, with all the mirrors constantly telling you how huge you are, how could I possibly  enjoy it?  Now however, I actually liked trying on clothes and being able to shop in a regular store!  I cannot remember ever being able to try things on in a regular store, but today was just another confirmation that this journey is well worth the sacrifice.  :)  Thanks again to Dr. Poon and all the staff at the Brampton clinic who are there for their patients.  On that note, I will end this entry with an invitation to look at the last few meals I have made... enjoy!
Greek inspired chicken shish-kebobs, mashed cauliflower and roasted veggies!  DELISH

Chicken fingers breaded with Dr. Poon approved bread and roasted zucchini...

Chicken burgers on cabbage leaves.... had to toss the cabbage leaves

 though, way better with salad!