
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 49 - June 30

Hi everyone,
This is going to be a short but sweet post.  I am approaching week 7 of this new lifestyle and am feeling great!  Clothes are looser, people are starting to notice and life is just good...  On to Day 50 (wow, 50!!!!)!!
I wanted to post this Mashed Cauliflower recipe because it is one of my favourite new dishes that I have created lately...

Half Cauliflower
1 tsp light BECEL margarine
1 tsp cream
Swiss cheese light (yes you can have it on phase one, just make sure your serving is the right size, I buy pre sliced cheese so I know exactly how much I can have).
garlic clove (optional)

Boil cauliflower (and garlic clove) until well cooked. Drain. Put cauliflower and all other ingredients into a blender. Mix. Pour mixture into oven safe bake ware and bake for 20 - 30 mins at 400. Baking is important as it takes away most of the water. Serve and enjoy.

Here is a couple of pictures of some recent meals...
#1 - Chicken Wings/salad/veggies/mashed cauliflower
Mind you, chicken wings is not the best choice because of the fat from the skin, but this is what I consider my "cheat"... I make them myself on the BBQ and try to peel off the skin, but sometimes you just gotta have it! YUM YUM!

#2 - Lean Pork grilled on my George Foreman
Roasted Veggies and Mashed Cauliflower

Friday, June 24, 2011

June 24th - 3rd weigh in, day 42

Today my weigh in at Dr. Poon's clinic was both disappointing and satisfying - odd I know! I am a little disappointed because I only lost 5 pounds since last weigh in, but satisfied with my 27 pound total loss!! After six weeks I am proud to say that I am 27 pounds lighter because of  will power and determination!  I am very happy about this, but I know I could have done better!!   More water intake and more exercise will definitely help for the next weigh in.  Thanks to those who have already messaged me with congratulations and have offered to do more exercise with me - :)   I will be taking you guys up on it!!
Next weigh in is on July 8th - aiming for 13 pounds to make it an even 40!!! Challenge... yes indeed, but I'm up for it!
On to day 43, stay strong!
Funny Relevant Picture...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 23rd - Day 41

Alright, almost 6 weeks in and I feel really good!! Tomorrow will mark the 3rd weigh in at the Dr. Poon office... I don't know if I reached my goal of 10 more pounds since the last weigh in, but I am optimistic about my results tomorrow.  Aside from overall feeling better, I am beginning to feel it in my clothes too, which is such an awesome bonus.  Even my rings seem too big and I assume that is because of the fact that I am not retaining as much water therefore the bloating has decreased...
Still having troubles with the exercise portion of this life change.  I figured; get the eating part down and then the exercise will naturally become more frequent, wrong!  Exercising requires effort and your mind is the first obstacle.  I'm going to do an experiment, after tomorrows weigh in, for the two weeks until my next weigh in I'm going to exercise for at least 30mins every day; then I will see if it makes a difference on the scale.  Mini challenge... :)
On to day 42 and 6 week milestone. 

As always, here is a pic of one of my meals.... pan fried veal, broiled veggies and salad.  The white sauce is SUMMER FRESH BRAND tzatziki sauce.  I am able to have this because it falls under the allowances for Dr. Poon's diet.   If you read the label, the serving size is for 2 tablespoons, on Dr. Poon's diet, I am able to have 1 tablespoon.  Being able to read the label correctly is an amazing thing...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 20th - day 39

Hello my friends and supporters!  So, again I had to attend another wedding where the food looked and smelled amazing, yet I had to restrain myself and could only eat what falls under my umbrella of allowances.  Therefore, I ate salad, fish, some chicken and some beef.  Altogether, pretty good meal, although on the saltier side (as I have had very little salt) I flushed it out by drinking a lot of water!  Also, I indulged by having 2 shots of vodka... I didn't feel anything at all so it was really a waste of calories, next time I\ll be sure to go for the tequila!!  Besides the wedding, overall I feel good but I am worried that my upcoming weigh in will not be as successful as my previous two.  I am going to work hard over the next four days to try and lose as much as I can before this weigh in as I don't wanna have a result that is going to set me back.  Super strict for the next few days and hopefully the results will follow... 
Special shout out to a good friend Sue; who although I haven't seen in a while and who is going through her own s**t,  I feel her encouragement throughout and I think about her and her support for me every day and honestly it makes me want to push that much harder.  Thank you Sue for being one of my strongest champions, I am super grateful!!  I will be sure to send you a pic when I reach that 50 pound milestone and then the 100... ohhhhh can't wait!
Thanks to all that keep me going....
On to day 40!!
Here is a pic of a meal that I made:  Tuna steak with broccoli florets and salad!  Yum Yum.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 14th - Day 32

Wow, a month has already whizzed by and I am still going strong!  The best change I have ever made in my life by far has been this...   The best thing about this life change is my new ability to look into the future and be excited about what I see!  For at least 5 years now, I have refused to go on an airplane... My size has prevented me from doing many things, and flying is probably number one on the list.  But now, I see myself travelling next year when this weight finally dissipates from my body.  Super excited about planning a trip to Europe and visiting family in the azores that I have not seen in a very long time.  Oh, I cannot wait!  I am still struggling with the fitness aspect, Im just sooooo lazy!! Even though I have more energy now and I do move around a lot more, it is still not enough.... time to join something that will force me to move, even when I dont want to!! (not the gym though, I hate that place).  Any suggestions are welcome and I can play and am willing to play just about any sport..... :)
On to day 33, lets make it a good one!
Here is a pic of my lunch today.... broiled fish and salad (not sure what kind of fish, but it was yummy)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 28 - Second Weigh In

So, its Day 28 and I am at the Brampton clinic to do my weigh in and see the Dr.  I am excited as I feel that I have lost some more weight, but not sure how much I had really lost.  Time to take my flip flops off and step on the scale.  The nurse says "good job Kelly, you are down another 8.7 pounds"!  A smile lit up my face and I felt incredible, I did it again!  After taking my blood pressure (which is down too, normal instead of high) I go in to see the doctor.  He tells me that I'm doing great and that I should do more exercise and continue on phase 1 of the program.  He is happy for me and I feel even more of a boost!  Phase 1 works well for me, so what if I can't eat whatever I want, clearly that wasn't working for me before!  This new method of eating is definitely working and I am thoroughly enjoying it.  My next weigh in is on June 24th!  My target is at least 10 more pounds lost.  Of course this will require more effort than before, but I know I can do it.
On to day 29... Full speed ahead!!
Here is a relevant pic....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 26 - Just had to share.

I am becoming such an awesome chef!  Not to toot my own horn but with limited options you become quite the artist when it comes to preparing food!  I just had to share my lunch today... I made zucchini lasagna!  Oh, it was so delicious.  First I cooked the extra lean ground beef... put a medley of spices, garlic, green pepper and green onion.  While that was cooking, I sliced the zucchini.  Once the ground beef was cooked, I put a layer of zucchini, then ground beef, then cheese (cheese that I can eat), then spinach and to top it off another layer of zucchini.  Popped it in the oven covered with foil for about 45mins.  Then I took the foil off and cooked for another 15mins.  WOW... out of this world.  So take it from  someone who never really cooked before (other than frozen crap you pull out of the freezer), life changes can be made with the right attitude and determination!! :)  Weigh in is in 2 days... can't wait to share the results!  Ta ta for now. 
Oh and of course, here is a pic:

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 24 - June 6th 2011

Hello All...
It has been a week since my last update...   Things are progressing well towards my goal.  The eating part of this whole life style change I think I have down;  I know how to read labels and know exactly what I am putting into my mouth.  Now, it is the fitness part I am struggling with... I strongly dislike "working out", I would much rather dance, play a sport or go for walks... things that require effort without you thinking about it constantly!  My "workouts" have consisted of using ZUMBA on WII , using WII FIT PLUS and walking, but I still feel like I need more.  So here it is, another mini goal: move my body vigorously for at least 30 mins a day.  There; it is now written so it must be met!!  My next weigh in is in 3 days, I am sure that I have lost some more weight, but I do not think it is near the amount that I had lost in the first 2 weeks... guess I will just have to wait and see! On to day 25...

Here are a couple of pictures of a few meals that I have made recently.

Extra Lean ground beef burger.  Sooooo yummy!

Oven broiled chicken seasoned with my special blend and Mrs. Dash accompanied by oven roasted zucchini and cauliflower mashed "potatoes".  Extra ymmmmmmmmmmy!!
If anyone wants any details on a particular recipe, please leave a comment and I can try and remember what I used.  I should start writing the ingredients down!!