
Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 14 - FIRST weigh in.

Its the first weigh in and I am happy to report that I am 12.5lbs smaller!  The doctor informed me that most of the weight loss was fat and some was water.  My ketones (a hormone that they use to measure how much fat you are burning) is high - that's a good thing.  I asked the doctor to check my blood pressure, it is normal rather than high!  All things considered, the first two weeks were a success!  I am continuing with the same phase as I don't find it difficult and enjoy the results I am achieving.  I have another weigh in another   2  weeks (June 10) and I am striving for a similar result!  The best part about this whole change in lifestyle is how awesome I feel!  It can only get better from here... salute to another 2 weeks!!
Oh, here is a meal that I made recently, broiled salmon, steamed green beans and broccoli... it was delicious.